c program to understand the Arithmetic Operators And their Precedences..
void main()
int a=25,b=5,c=10,d=4;
int result;
result=a+b; /*adding a and b*/
printf("\n Addition Result: %d",result);
result=a-b; /* subtracting b from a*/
printf("\n Subtraction Result is: %d",result);
result=a*b; /* multiplying a and b*/
printf("\n Multiplication result is:%d",result);
result=a/b; /* dividing a by b to get quotient*/
printf("\n Division Result is: %d",result);
result=a%b; /* dividing a by b to get ramainder*/
printf("\n Division Result Remainder is: %d",result);
result=a+b*c/d; /*refer precedence 1 explanation below*/
printf("\n The Result of (a+b*c/d): %d",result);
result=a+b-c*d; /*refer precedence 2 explanation below*/
printf("\n The result of (a+b-c*d): %d",result);
result=++a + b++ /d; /*refer precedence 3 explanation below*/
printf("\n The Result of (++a + b++ / d): %d",result);
Output: (using GNU GCC Compiler with Code Blocks IDE)
Addition Result: 30
Subtraction Result is: 20
Multiplication Result is : 125
Division Result is: 5
Division Result Remainder is: 0
The Result of (a+b*c/d): 37
The Result of (a+b-c*d): -10
The Result of (++a + b++ /d): 27
Every time the variable result is overritten with a new value and printing
Precedence1: a+b*c/d;
i) c*d = 50
ii) (c*d)/d i.e.,50/4=12.5
(here float value is not considered because result is declared as int)
iii) 12 is added to a (25+12=37)
precedence2: a+b-c/d;
i) c/d is evaluated
ii) b-(c/d) evaluated
iii) a+(b-(c/d)) evaluated
precedence3: ++a+b++/d;
i)a value incremented
ii)b value incremented
iii)b++/d evaluated
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